- 홈

(단위 : 원)
업종명 | 시공능력평가액 | 순위 (전국) |
토목건축공사업 Civil engineering and construction work |
179,964,000,000 | 143 |
토목공사업 Civil engineering work |
117,655,000,000 | - |
건축공사업 Building work |
156,330,000,000 | - |
조경공사업 Landscaping work |
34,707,000,000 | 147 |
산업, 환경설비공사업 Industrial and environmental equipment work |
59,151,000,000 | 125 |
가스시설시공업 제1종 Gas installation work |
16,758,693,000 | 62 |
전기공사업 Electric work |
46,979,184,000 | 129 |
전문소방공사업 Professional fire department |
3,334,400,000 | 905 |
시설물유지관리업 Facilities Maintenance Work |
16,860,018,000 | 96 |